Prudential CFO James Turner resigns following ‘code of conduct' investigation.
1 min read
Prudential CFO James Turner resigns following ‘code of conduct' investigation.
Creating a code of conduct is a statement from leadership laying out their expectations and communicating the ethical principles they feel are most fundamental to success.
Generally, it reflects the culture already present or the culture leadership seeks to promote.
Often codes of conduct take big-picture ideas tied to the business’s overall mission and core values and relate them to the daily behaviour and practices they desire from staff.
The reality is that, more often than not, a fancy and detailed #codeofconduct drawn out may not always be practised in day-to-day situations hence misconducts & grievances arise. The situation might get complicated, especially where senior management or C-suite level staff are involved.
An employer's responsibility is to manage employee behaviour and ensure the workplace is safe and welcoming. As businesses grow, they may eventually have cases of employee misconduct. To appropriately deal with misconduct in the workplace, make sure you understand what qualifies as misconduct and the best practices for addressing it.